Child Protection

Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

All affiliated Lacrosse Scotland clubs have a duty of care not only to the children and young people in their club but also to the coaches, helpers and officials working within the club. By adhering to the policies and procedures set by Lacrosse Scotland and adopting best practice, the risk of harm should be reduced and allow all those participating in lacrosse to enjoy a safe, fun and positive experience. For effective implementation of this policy everyone involved with Lacrosse Scotland must work in partnership, each with a role to ensure the protection of young people and vulnerable adults. This duty extends to the prevention of physical, sexual or emotional abuse of any child or vulnerable adult and shall be applied regardless of their gender, race, religion, sexuality or disability.

Here is Lacrosse Scotland’s Child Protection policy document for you to access. Within this document is the policy itself, a code of conduct and the process for responding to a child protection case.

Please also find attached a A_Club_Guide_to_Safeguarding_in_Lacrosse, which should be kept on file by your club personnel. This is a great reference designed by Lacrosse Scotland should any Child Protection queries occur.

Click here to find out who the Lacrosse Scotland Child Protection Officer(s) are.

Respond to Concerns
About Conduct of a Member of Staff / Volunteer

These procedures apply to all staff / volunteers involved in Lacrosse Scotland

Find out how

Respond to Concerns
About a Child

These procedures apply to all staff / volunteers involved in Lacrosse Scotland

Find out how


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