2023 AGM – Proxy Voting

Registered members who are unable to attend the AGM in person, may vote in advance. In accordance with Lacrosse Scotland’s Articles of Association, proxy voting forms must reach the Lacrosse Scotland Office no later than 48 hours prior to the AGM i.e. 7:30pm on Tuesday 21st March 2023. Any forms received after this time will not be accepted.

2023 AGM Proxy Voting


Motion 1: Lacrosse Scotland Board proposes the Membership fees for the season 2023-24
Level Cost (£)
Senior (Full) £38
Students/Unemployed £22
Junior (currently at school) £22
Supporters/Non-Playing £11
Club £100
Secondary School £40
Primary School £20
Motion 2: Lacrosse Scotland Board proposes to appoint Mitchell Edwards as our auditors.

Election to Lacrosse Scotland Board of Directors

Vice Chair – Membership vote on co-opted Director
Performance Director – Membership vote on co-opted Director


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